Cartoon Wheel of Fortune
Two men are at a "bank," where one of the men (standing) has brought a wheel with him. The man standing under the sign, "Very First Bank," works for the bank. The man standing is asking for a loan (money given to you that you have to pay back) to start a business making this "new" technology, the wheel. (We are supposed to think that this man actually invented or made the first wheel.)
The man responds, "Normally, I don't invest in tech stocks, but in this case . . ." To invest is to give money to someone to start or operate a business. Tech is short for technology, and stocks are partial ownership in a company. So, tech stocks would be for technology companies. The man says he does not normally give money for technology stocks, "but in this case" - meaning "for this situation" - he will invest in this man's company. And it would probably be a very good investment!
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